Changs between WordNet 1.6 and WordNet 1.7 GENERAL The Macintosh platform is no longer supported. The DOS platform is no longer supported. DATABASE CHANGES Removed "marked" adjectives (were noted with "(m)" after word) index.sense (sense.idx on PC) file no longer has adjective modifiers - ("(p)", "(a)", "(ip)") after word in sense key. Synsets in 1.7 are located at byte offsets that are unique to 1.7, and do not map directly to 1.6 byte offsets. The Sense Map package contains a mapping of 1.6 to 1.7 senses and synsets. The ordering of senses is different. What was "Sense 1" of a word in 1.6 will not necessarily be "Sense 1" in version 1.7. The Sense Map package contains a mapping of 1.6 to 1.7 senses. LEXICOGRAPHER FILES CHANGES (Note - the lexicographer source files are not included in the standard Database Package) Removed "marked" adjectives (were noted with "(m)" after word) In preparation for WordNet 2, we have started to enter some links between nouns and verbs. These links are present in the lexicographer files, however the links are not present in the WordNet 1.7 database. All of these links are represents is "+" followed by a single, lower-case letter a-x. These should be ignored. SEARCH CHANGES Added "Coordinate Terms" search for verbs. Print number of times each sense is tagged (in our corpus of semantically tagged texts) on "Overview". Removed "Related Synsets" search for nouns. Changed holonym/meronym search to properly inherit parts. WNB CHANGES Added automatic line wrapping on output buffer. Button-2 click (middle mouse button) now has same effect as shift-click. When button-2 is clicked on a word in the search results buffer, that word becomes the new search word, and an "Overview" search is automatically performed. Adjective search relabeled "Synonyms/Related Nouns" Adverb search relabeled "Synonyms/Root Adjectives" Command "wnb arg" uses 'arg' as search word and automatically performs "Overviw" search on 'arg' when it starts up. USING 1.7 DATABASE WITH 1.6 SOFTWARE In general, the 1.7 database can be substitued for the 1.6 database, as there are no changes to the file format. This has been tested with the 1.7 command line interface, but not with the graphical interface, due to Tcl/Tk differences between the versions. But with a little work, the 1.6 'wnb' command should also work with the 1.7 database. The 1.7 database does not use the files "cousin.tops" and "cousin.exc", however the 1.6 library expects these files to exist. If you want to use the 1.7 database with any code compiled with the 1.6 library (libwn.a), then you must create the files "cousin.tops" and "cousin.exc" in the same directory in which the database files exist (the Unix default location is /usr/local/wordnet1.7/dict). The files don't need to have anything in them, so on Unix systems, for example, the "touch cousin.tops cousin.exc" command will do the trick.